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Workshop - organised by: GISM Oncology section

24/10/2024 – free for GISM’s members


Novara, Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, Aula Magna.

Katia Mareschi, University of Turin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Free for members of GISM. Non-members are welcome to attend the workshop by previously joining the GISM society.

PROGRAM (presentations will be in Italian)
- Morning, Cross talk tumore-MSCs, CAF e sistema immunitario.
- Afternoon, Lectures e tavola rotonda sugli aspetti critici dei modelli in vitro.





WORKSHOP - 13/03/2024 - PADUA


Under the aegis of GISM society ( a very interesting workshop in presence is organized for the next March 13th at Padua, Italy. The topic is "Translating EVs from the bench to the bedside". 

The program is available in the attached flyer and covers several subjects from the bench to the bedside and clinical application. Top-level international speakers will give an overview on where we are going with EVs, with special focus on mesenchymal stromal cells. Contribution of EV-involved companies will increase the view on EVs-related issues, from research to the aspects linked to clinics.

To attend, registration to the GISM society is requested. It is possible to submit abstracts to share exciting data. Best works will be awarded.


For more info, please contact:

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Notes for preparing the ABSTRACTs: Write in English, maximum 1500 characters (including spaces). Divide the text into: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.

The Statute of the "Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali (GISM) - Associazione di Promozione Sociale (APS) [Italian version]" / "Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (IMSG) - Association of Social Promotion (ASP) [English version]" is composed of 13 Articles, whose original version in Italian (currently an official translation in English is not available) can be viewed in the PDF here available. 


Dear colleagues, dear GISM members,

It is with deep sorrow that we share with you the news of the passing of an extraordinary person. Last week, we lost Professor Arnold Caplan, a highly esteemed man as a scientist, educator, and visionary.

Professor Caplan, the Director of the Skeletal Research Center at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio (USA), has left an indelible mark in the field of regenerative medicine over an illustrious career spanning more than 50 years.

Born on January 5, 1942, in Chicago, Professor Caplan earned his degree in chemistry from the Illinois Institute of Technology and his doctorate from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Joining Case Western Reserve University in 1969, he steadily climbed the academic ladder, becoming a professor in 1981 and dedicating an impressive 54 years to the institution.

A pivotal moment in his career was the isolation of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from adult bone marrow, laying the conceptual and technical foundation for subsequent worldwide studies. Recognized as the father of basic science and clinical therapy of adult mesenchymal stem cells, Dr. Caplan discovered the innate ability of MSCs to modulate the immune system, inhibit programmed cell death and scarring, stimulate blood vessel formation, and promote the growth of tissue-specific stem cells. His work influenced the study and treatment of various human diseases, from multiple sclerosis to spinal cord injuries, from cancer to musculoskeletal regenerative medicine. His tireless vision of using cells for the benefit of patients inspired the entire global scientific community.

The warmth and guidance of Professor Caplan touched the lives of countless individuals he mentored, providing growth opportunities to over 150 researchers. His passion extended to sharing his expertise through organizing and participating in high-level courses and conferences, promoting scientific collaboration globally. He received numerous awards, including the Marshall R. Urist Award, the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Case Western Reserve University Faculty Innovator Award. He authored over 400 articles and held 20 patents. His contributions undeniably shaped the landscape of modern regenerative medicine.

Those who had the honor of knowing him undoubtedly experienced the human side of Arnie, as he liked to be called by friends. Not only a brilliant mentor and scientist but also a man endowed with extreme wit and charm. Professor Caplan consistently showed remarkable openness to the "next gen" of scientists and clinicians. Thanks to his high intelligence and strong empathy, he became an idol for many, extending his influence well beyond the boundaries of his field. Arnie was also a great lover of cuisine, particularly Italian, and in our country, which he adored, he always returned with great pleasure—a pleasure more than reciprocated by those who had the honor of hosting him.

We are deeply grateful to Professor Arnold Caplan for his discoveries, tireless efforts, and the legacy he leaves behind. In his spirit, GISM wishes everyone to continue working to realize those visionary ideals associated with regenerative medicine and contribute to the continuation of his legacy.





LinkedIn, to stay updated on the GISM news!

The direct link to find the created page is:


(currently the page is in Italian language)

Live Webinar - organised by: StemNet Next Generation section

16/05/2024 – 20:30 – free webinar for StemNet’s members


This webinar aims to enhance the visibility of works submitted by young researchers to the “StemNet Next-Generation Contest 2023”, promoting greater acknowledgement of their achievements and stimulating citations.

Filippo Piccinini (University of Bologna)
Pasquale Marrazzo (University of Bologna)
Mariachiara Stellato (University of Bologna)

ID meeting: 381 458 732 933. Passcode: YbJ2xX
Direct link (just copy and paste it into a browser to start the meeting, no registration is required):

Free for members of StemNet societies (i.e. FIRST, GISM, IPLASS, StemCellResearchItaly). Non-members are welcome to attend the webinar by previously joining one of StemNet societies.

PROGRAM (presentations will be in English)
- 20:30-20:40, Organizers, Introduction.
- 20:40-20:50, Vito Antonio Baldassarro (University of Bologna), Nerve growth factor promotes differentiation and protects the oligodendrocyte precursor cells from in vitro hypoxia/ischemia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2023.
- 20:55-21:05, Mariangela Di Vincenzo (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Mesenchymal stem cells exposed to persistently high glucocorticoid levels develop insulin-resistance and altered lipolysis: a promising in vitro model to study cushing’s syndrome. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2023.
- 21:10-21:20, Francesca Paris (University of Bologna), Characterization of perinatal stem cell spheroids for the development of cell therapy strategy, Bioengineering, 2023.
- 21:25-21:35, Giovannamaria Petrocelli (University of Bologna), Oxytocin modulates osteogenic commitment in human adipose-derived stem cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023.




We are pleased to announce that the prestigious "International Journal of Molecular Sciences" (IF2017: 3.687), has decided to a Special Issue to mesenchymal stem cells.
In particular, the issue titled "Novel MSC Perspectives: From Cell Regulation to Tissue Regeneration" was born with support from GISM and includes several of our members as Guest Editors. We applaud them for their initiative.
You can find greater details regarding the special issue here: SPECIAL ISSUE DETAILS
The Deadline for submissions is the 15th of April, 2019.
We encourage you all to participate!


The most common way to join to the "Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali (GISM) - Associazione di Promozione Sociale (APS) [Italian version]" / "Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (IMSG) - Association of Social Promotion (ASP) [English version]" is as an ordinary membership:

  • The member fee is €50,00 per year.
  • It is necessary to fill out the membership form (see the links below to download the form as a pdf or word document) and send the completed form to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Attach a brief Curriculum Vitae to the membership request email.
  • Carefully read Article 4 of the by-laws.
  • After receipt of the acceptance decision by the Board of Directors, the annual membership fee can be paid. In the memo of the payment, please indicate: “GISM membership fee, Full name, and year”.
  • The payment can be made out through a bank transfer to: Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali - Bank: INTESA SANPAOLO SPA, FILIALE ACCENTRATA TERZO SETTORE - IBAN: IT62T0306909606100000130961


Download membership form as a Pdf
Download membership form as a Word document